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Yellow Silk Rose Bridal Bouquet

Yellow Silk Rose Bridal Bouquet



Artificial Wedding Flowers Sunshine Bridal Bouquet

Large, open yellow and ivory silk roses with  artificial eucalyptus.

Ribbon for stem, bow and trail in yellow or ivory.


Artificial Wedding Flowers can be ordered as far in advance as you like, remaining in perfect condition until your big day, and can be kept forever.

Incredibly popular for Destination Weddings too, your flowers can be bought in advance and taken with you, eliminating the need to find a local florist when you arrive.

We offer an extensive range of colour choices, however, if you don't see the colours you would like please contact us and we will be able to help.

All our Wedding Flowers are made to order, so delivery times can vary depending on the size of your order. Please let us know the date you need them for if you require them quickly.


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