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Large Silk Flower Bouquet Pink and White
  • Large Silk Flower Bouquet in Pink and White


    Beautiful bouquet of mixed PINK AND WHITE silk flowers to arrange in your own vase.


    A vareity of  long stemmed flowers which can be arranged in any of your own vases creating an arrangement up to 100cm high with a spread of 60-70cm


    The Pink And White Bouquet includes Silk Poppies, Roses, Gerberas, Snapdragon, Eucalyptus, Stocks and Blossom.



    The main photo shows the flowers arranged in a 40cm high clear vase. 


    Realistic artificial flowers make the perfect gift for any occasion from Birthdays and New Babies to Anniversaries and Celebrations, or to let someone know you are thinking of them.


    We can send a floral gift  to any UK address with a personal message if required.

    Please leave your message in the Notes at Checkout and Don’t Forget to put the Shipping Address. 

